Our District 7 Director, Betty Stover writes:
The Maine Agricultural Trade Show happens yearly in January. This year it was 1/13-15/09. Their were a lot of booths exhibiting farm equipment, Insurance for farmers, Alpaca Association, Boer Goats, Meat processing, etc. It is a big event held at the Civic Center. There were also mini workshops. I took classes in Quicken, Fiber Maine-ia (www.umext.maine.edu/fibermaine-ia)
Betty spinning angora at the Trade Show
As you can see in our booth we have pictures of members' sheep. The felted notebook shown in the picture has a picture of each of our sheep, our website and samples of our fiber and a knitted swatch. It might be fun to do this in each of our districts. Whoever attends the annual meetings may want to take it to share.