The links on the following pages are provided for informational purposes only. IAGARB does not endorse any services, stock or sales practices of the members listed. IAGARB bears no responsibility and will be held entirely harmless for any resultant contacts or sales.

Disputes will be resolved between the involved parties. Buyers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Registration Proceduresbefore purchasing from anyone.

It has been IAGARB policy since 2008 has been to not sell animals under 12 weeks of age.

Before purchasing, IAGARB recommends you review the Buyer/Seller Guidelines.

To Find IAGARB Breeders – Click on a District.

District 11 Members District 8 Members District 12 Members District 12 Members District 1 Members District 10 Members District 9 Members District 7 Members District 6 Members District 5 Members District 4 Members District 3 Members District 2 Members District 2 Members District 1 Members

District 1 WA, OR, ID, MT, WY, AK
District 2 CA, NV, UT, AZ, HI
District 3 ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, WI
District 4 CO, NM, TX, OK, AR
District 5 IL, KS, MO
District 6 LA, MS, TN, AL, GA, FL, Puerto Rico
District 7 NY, VT, ME, NH, MA, CT, RI
District 8 MI, IN, OH, KY
District 9 PA, WV, VA, NJ, DE, MD, NC, SC, Washington DC
District 10 British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba.
District 11 Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Maritime Provinces, Northwest Territories, Yukon.
District 12 Other nations.