Silver Falls, Gateway to Silver Falls State Park, Silverton, Oregon
We look forward to your attendance at the IAGARB 2015 Annual General meeting in Silverton, Oregon April 24 – 26. We have a full agenda planned for you.
All activities will take place at the Silverton Grange Hall, 201 Division St., Silverton, Oregon. IAGARB has reserved a block of King Rooms at the Oregon Garden Resort at a reduced rate. This rate will be in effect until March 23, 2015. Please see further down for the information regarding the Resort and booking your room.
AGM Registration forms are included in the Newsletter and HERE.
Friday, April 24
10am – 12pm

Every time you select your rabbits for breeding, every time you buy a rabbit and every time you decide which rabbit in a litter to keep and which one to sell – you become the judge of your own rabbitry.
This is a class offered to all of our members. It is open to anyone interested in learning more about German Angoras and the IAGARB system of judging.
In this class we will learn about the history of the German Angora in Europe and how it was selected over decades to be the wool producing Uber-Angora admired around the world for its superior fiber production. You will learn about the German goal setting system of quantifiable evaluation.
We will move step by step through the procedures of an IAGARB judging and registration. You will be better prepared to participate in our performance testing. As well, this information will help to conduct similar daily assessments in your own barn.
Fee for Class: $30.
Break for lunch: BYOL
Friday Afternoon, 1-4 pm.
If you have been an IAGARB member for 3 consecutive years as of April 2015 and if there is a need, based on membership, for judges in your district, you may apply for the Judge’s Test.
Currently there are openings for 2 judge’s in District 1. Districts 5, 7, and 9 each have openings for one judge.
Fee for Test $30. (The application form is in this issue)
Judge Erin Maclean
Kindly familiarize yourself with Registration Requirements
Please note:
Only healthy animals will be permitted to stay in the Grange Hall. Any rabbits with clinical signs of disease or any infectious condition will be immediately removed by the owner.
Rabbits may stay overnight at the Grange Hall. Any overnight rabbits must be housed in comfortable caging. Small carriers are not acceptable.
Owners will provide protective warmth for shorn animals. Owners will be responsible for the care of their animals and the sanitary conditions of their carrying cages.
Comments and questions to the judge are not appropriate during an evaluation.
Friday afternoon, 2-3 pm.
This is a free class.
Friday dinner on your own.
Saturday, April 25
We have planned three concurrent activities at the Grange Hall.
1. Judging and Registration Testing will start at 9 am
2. For Knitters: Patty Spor Beckman / Beginning Lace Knitting
3. For Felters: Leslie Samson/ Angora Blended Felted Yardage
Same rules as Friday
Judges: Alexis Woodbury, Molly Golter, Erin Maclean
2.) 9:30 am – 4 pm BEGINNING LACE KNITTING, Patty Spor Beckman

Fee: $50 all day workshop
$25 materials fee includes yarn, pattern and handouts
Lace Knitting is simply decreases and increases placed into a pleasing pattern. It’s an easy way to make something beautiful out of any sized yarn with appropriately sized needles.
We will touch on how to read charts and learn a few tips to make your lace knitting easier and more enjoyable. I will supply some charts and written instructions for making a sampler scarf using several patterns or you can decide to use only one. We should be able to make some headway on a scarf that you can finish later. We will discuss how to dress your lace knitting to make the pattern show up beautifully.
For IAGARB Members with 85% angora lace yarn, the class is an excellent way to gain expertise with your product.
Requirements: Students must know how to knit. Knowing how to read charts is a plus but not neccessary. Please bring a selection of needles in size 3-7 or 8 range. Some needles will be available for purchase.
Patty taught herself to knit over 47 years ago. She learned that she had a natural talent for intarsia, Aran sweaters, and lace. It was after knitting several “Feather and Fan” patterned afghans and two lace table cloths that she decided that she really loved to knit lace. Patty is now eager to share her knowledge with you.
Patty learned to spin her own yarns about 35 years ago. That inspiration quickly lead to raising sheep to provide her with wool. Shortly thereafter, she created a business of providing carded batts for spinners along with handspun and hand dyed yarns. She raised Shetland sheep, Black Welsh Mountain sheep, llamas, alpacas and several angora rabbits through the years.
She now resides in Brookings, Oregon, enjoying the mild weather and wonderful scenery.
3.) 9:30 am- 4 pm INSTANT FELTED YARDAGE, Leslie Samson

Learn how to make fabric that will turn this,
Into that:

This class will be of particular interest to producers who wish to offer value added goods from their angora fiber. Because of it’s fine diameter, Angora is particularly well suited for laminated fabric.
This class will show you how to quickly transform your carded fiber into ready to cut and sew fabric. In one day, we will produce a length of felted yardage that would have taken days to spin, warp and weave. The finished yardage will be surprisingly light and flexible yet have the strength and structure of a warp and weft. It is easier than you might think to become a fabric designer!
No previous experience necessary. All you need to bring to class is your good energy. Class limit 6.
Fee: $80 (this includes a materials fee which covers prepared angora blend batting, silk yardage, all supplies and tools used for this workshop).
Saturday Evening:
Let’s get together for dinner at the Creekside Grill, Silverton. Chef Rader took excellent care of us last year!
We have made a limited number of reservations for 7 pm. Please let us know if you plan to attend. We want to make sure there is space for everyone.
Sunday, April 26
9 am to Noon
IAGARB Annual General Meeting
Our business meeting will begin promptly at 9 am. Annual Awards will follow. Meeting is free.
Lunch will be a buffet of soup, salads, and sandwiches. Price for the luncheon and speaker is $20.
AGM Special Program Speaker, Dr. Mark Burgess
1 to 3 pm
Exotic animal specialist, Dr. Mark Burgess, is an outstanding source of information for rabbits. He was our special program speaker in 2009. We are delighted to have him back for a return engagement. His topic will be rabbit diseases, their clinical symptoms and treatments. We have requested a focus on the Encephalitozoon cuniculi and Coccidiosis.
CLEAN UP! When the speaker is finished, everyone needs to pitch in and clean up. Clean your area, sweep your fuzz, and pack up your rabbits. Let’s all work together to leave the Grange Hall in better condition than when we arrived.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, all day
An opportunity to buy and sell Angora rabbits has been organized for the weekend. We will use the same rules as those approved by vote at the 2008 AGM for the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Show.
Open to all IAGARB members who attend the AGM. You will be notified by the Committee before the event regarding availability of space for your rabbits. Preference will be given to those members who have registered for the AGM first.
Mail or email form is provided below in the Winter 2015 Newsletter, or you can use the online form provided on the IAGARB website under AGM Registration.
These are common sense rules intended to give our members equal opportunity.
1. Sellers must be IAGARB Members.
2. All angora rabbits will be checked for clinical signs of disease. Any animal deemed unhealthy must leave the premises.
3. Minimum age will be 12 weeks. Pedigrees are required.
4. Maximum number of angora rabbits offered by a member may not exceed four unless limited by the facility. This does not include pre-arranged deliveries when the rabbits will not need to stay onsite.
5. Any angora rabbit on the premises, whether for testing, shearing or sale, must be housed by its owner in clean and humanely sized cages. The rabbits must be able to turn around and have both food and water available to them at all times.
Due to the limited amount of space, we only have room for about 20 rabbits and their caging. Please note on your registration form how many rabbits you would like to bring. We will try and accommodate everyone as much as possible. No tailgate sales please.
Accommodations: Oregon Garden Resort

IAGARB has reserved a block of rooms at the Oregon Garden Resort in Silverton. The rooms available to us are rooms with King beds. The rate is $109 per night. They are large rooms and all have refrigerators, microwaves, fireplaces, and private patio or deck.
If you wish to reserve a room at the negotiated discount rate, use the Code published in the Newsletter.
This rate will be in effect until March 23, 2015.
You can call the resort directly to reserve: 503-874-2500 or toll free: 800-966-6490 or reserve online:
All rooms come with a complimentary breakfast and admission to the Oregon Garden.
To register for the AGM please go to the AGM REGISTRATION page here. You can register online with the form on that page using Paypal, credit or debit card, or print out and mail in the form in the Newsletter with your check.