Welcome to IAGARB’s
25th Anniversary


April 20 – 22, 2012
Red Lion Inn Downtown
Boise, Idaho

More information on the Red Lion Hotel can be found here.


Friday, April 20, – 10:00 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday, April 21 – 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Cedar Room

Judge Sheri Cormier at the 2011 AGM in Portland, Maine










Scribble Lace Scarf
with Leslie Samson
Friday, April 20, 2012
9:30am – 4:30pm
Aspen Room

Scribble Lace Scarf by Leslie Samson

This is a fun workshop for felters and a valuable learning experience for angora producers!

Not all angora is free-falling prime. Some of it comes off the rabbit webbed or lightly matted. Although the staple length is good, this grade of angora is not quite prime. We have it blended and made into pencil roving.

In this workshop we will work with the 50/50 angora/merino pencil roving to make gorgeous nuno felt scarves with an energetic design. The roving will be “scribbled” onto silk to make a fine, soft laminated fabric with unique textures and patterns.

For angora producers, this class will show you how to increase the profitability of your wool by expanding your value-added markets. This is a light-hearted class. The felting is easy. Everyone will leave with a one of a kind angora/merino/silk scarf.

No experience necessary. All materials, use of supplies and tools will be provided. You don’t have to bring anything. Price – $75 for members / $85 for non-members

Another great use for our pencil roving. This hat and scarf were knitted directly from the pencil roving cake by Susan Wiley. When they were complete, Susan felted them. The hand is soft and cushy. We have asked Susan to bring these to our meeting.









Scissors, Clippers and Holds
with Leslie Samson, Rosalie Truong and Erin Maclean
Saturday, April 21
9:30am – 11:30 am
Aspen Room

You’ve got the rabbits, now how are you going to take off the wool? This is a demonstration class where you will learn about equipment options, care and use in this class. Blades, clipper motors – which ones last and which ones don’t. Learn about different scissors and how to use them safely on your rabbits.
There are gentle holds that will keep your rabbits still and feeling secure while you remove their wool coats. Shearing should never be a wrestling match. It is a calm, quiet experience once you learn how to work with your rabbit’s natural behaviors and triggers.
Post-shearing care and diets will be discussed. Human care will also be presented. The tricks and tips in this class will save you time and trouble in your angora venture.
Price – $15.00 for members / $20 for non-members

Grading and Optimal Use of Angora Fiber
with Leslie Samson
Saturday, April 21
12:30pm – 2:30 pm
Aspen Room

Crimpy Wool

Grading is a critical skill for any angora producer. We will start by examining the four angora fiber types present on ALL angoras. We will separate the different sections of shorn wool into their respective grades and discuss uses for them. Prime is easy. The challenge is in optimizing the other grades of wool. You may be surprised at how valuable they can be.
If you have a spinning wheel, please bring it to this class and learn how to quickly make a spectacular novelty yarn that knits up like a breeze and is joyful to wear!
Price – $15.00 for members / $20 for non-members. There will be a $5.00 material fee for spinning fiber.


The Importance of Record Keeping
with Leslie Samson and Rosalie Truong
Saturday, April 21
2:45pm – 4:30 pm
Aspen Room

Great record keeping is the key to the development of the angora in Germany. Objective data is the foundation of excellent breeding selection. In this class, different systems will be presented. We will look at the most important information to track. The class will then open for discussion.
Price – $15.00 for members / $20 for non-members

If you take all three Saturday classes, the full day price is 35.00 for members or 45.00 for non-members.


Standards Committee Meeting
Open to Members
Friday, April 20
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Aspen Room

This will be a working meeting to formulate proposals and recommendations to be presented at the AGM on Sunday. There will be two significant topics.

1. Changes to the language of the IAGARB standard with regard to colored angoras as well as specific descriptions of non-sychronized coat growth. The IAGARB color guidelines within the context of a colored wool market.
2. It is time to implement the IAGARB Rabbitry Certification program – details of a point system, forms, judging criteria.

IAGARB’s 25th Anniversary
Annual General Meeting

Open to Members
Sunday, April 22
9:30am – 11:30 am
Aspen Room

Twenty-five years ago, IAGARB was founded in Hayden Lake, Idaho. Our mandate was simple – maintain the German Angora in the system in which it was created.
This year, we return to Idaho to celebrate the accomplishments of our association and our plans for the future.

Business will commence promptly at 9:30 am. Our meetings are swift and efficient. Results of the Friday night meeting will be presented. This is a nomination year for our fall election. There will also be goodies, games and prizes. This will be a important meeting. Don’t miss it!

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Aspen Room

How can we think of the great state of Idaho without thinking of Potatoes? Let’s enjoy the best of this famous icon with a Potato Buffet! Stuff your spuds with a selection of treats – chili, beef, bacon, cheese, sour cream etc. Lunch includes dessert, coffee, tea or iced tea. Price is 17.00

Special Program Speaker
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

The keynote speaker for the 2012 IAGARB AGM is Dr. Ellen German, DVM of Animal Health Hospital in Boise, Idaho. In addition to focusing on dog, cats and exotic animals in her veterinary practice, Dr. German also specializes in homeopathic care for pets.

Her presentation on Sunday, April 22nd is titled ‘Rabbit Health: Homeopathic Treatments for Rabbits.’




To register using a downloadable MAIL IN form, click HERE



To book your room online at the Red Lion Hotel, use the link below.

To take advantage of group pricing use access code: IAGARB25

IAGARB- 25th General Meeting


The All Important Rabbits!

This is a Rabbit Event and we have made special arrangements for the comfort and safety of your rabbits. Tables will be provided on which you can set your cages. Feed and equipment can be stored underneath. If you have draping for your table, bring it to keep your table(s) and area looking tidy.

The Cedar Room is heated and close to an exterior exit. The room will be secured at night.

Whether you bring rabbits to register or sell, please review our rules.

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