2014 AGM, Portland, Maine


The guest speaker Saturday afternoon will be Linda Clutterback, expert spinner, who will give a talk and demonstration on spinning angora. Linda understands the math, ratios, and grist about spinning angora and she is a master at spinning. She has samples of angora yarn she has spun to share. Bring your wheel and spin!




April 11-13, 2014

We are happy to announce IAGARB will be returning to the Clarion Hotel in Portland, Maine! Program and schedule is shown below. Please make sure you book your hotel room before March 17, 2014 in order to get our special AGM rate. You can call the hotel directly

Schedule includes:

Friday and Saturday: Registration Testing


Business Tips for Financial Success with
Jim McConnon, Extension Business & Economics Specialist and
Professor of Economics, University of Maine

10 am


Record Keeping and Testing withDavid Marcinkowski, Dairy Specialist and Associate Professor of Animal Science, University of Maine

1 pm

How the dairy industry uses record keeping and testing as a management tools to increase production

Saturday: Registration Testing continues.

Synchronized Wool Class with Leslie Samson

10 am to 11 am


If you are not quite sure about the differences between synchronized and non-synch coat growth, here is a class that will explain why this is an important consideration for angora producers. This class is especially important if you are breeding for color. We will discuss coat structure, appropriate harvesting methods and uses for different grades of wool.

All workshops and classes are free to IAGARB members. Non-members $25.

Saturday Afternoon:

Spinning in the Ballroom

9 am to 5 pm

Come one, come all! Members and local guilds are invited to bring their spinning wheels, spindles, knitting needles, with favorite fibers and yarns to spin and knit in the ballroom. There will also be a table for items to be displayed for Show and Tell.

Special Guest Speaker! (to be announced)


Annual General Meeting and Luncheon

10 am to 2 pm

For further information, refer to your IAGARB Newsletter, Spring 2014 or contact Michaele Bailey: basketfulofbunnies at gmail dot com.

Our group rate is guaranteed until Monday, March 17, 2014. Call the hotel at (207) 774-5611 to make your reservation. Make sure you tell them you are booking for the IAGARB AGM.

A Side Trip to LL Beans

A Side Trip to LL Beans



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