Category Archives: Annual General Meetings


IAGARB AGM 2015 Silver Falls, Gateway to Silver Falls State Park, Silverton, Oregon We look forward to your attendance at the IAGARB 2015 Annual General meeting in Silverton, Oregon April 24 – 26. We have a full agenda planned for … Continue reading

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Another great AGM, another great time in Portland, Maine. IAGARB members gathered for fun, learning, eating (of course) and surprises!

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UPDATE! The guest speaker Saturday afternoon will be Linda Clutterback, expert spinner, who will give a talk and demonstration on spinning angora. Linda understands the math, ratios, and grist about spinning angora and she is a master at spinning. She … Continue reading

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This gallery contains 8 photos.

Photos of some of Friday’s Events:   Some photos of the first day of the 2013 AGM

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AGM 2013 Sneak Preview

      Just a quick shot of some of us at Niagara Falls. This was our first day and we gathered for a trip to Niagara, wine tasting and lunch along Lake Ontario near St. Catharine’s and then a … Continue reading

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AGM 2013 The Canadian Celebration Welcome to Canada / Bienvenue au Canada!   Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada   We have an exciting schedule planned for you! THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013 Our kick-off begins with a tour of one of the … Continue reading

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AGM 2013: Sally Melville Workshops

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IAGARB Celebrating 25 Years!

This gallery contains 24 photos.

  No, the IAGARB Annual General Meeting was not in Venice. But here is one of our members relaxing in Italy just a few days after the AGM. Lucky girl!The rest of us are more likely here in the States … Continue reading

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A Big Thank You to Our AGM Sponsors!

  To help IAGARB celebrate it’s 25th Anniversary, the following sponsors have graciously donated awards and prizes to help make our event even more special:       Aesculap-Braun Vet Care Co. Wahl Clipper Corp. EZ Tatt Precision Sharp Co. … Continue reading

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AGM Program Change: Dr. Peter Cheeke

ATTENTION – We have had a change of program. Dr. Peter Cheeke,Professor Emeritus, Oregon State University,has agreed to be our Special Program Speaker on Sunday, April 22, 2012. We extend our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dr. German. … Continue reading

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