Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair is a great venue for IAGARB. IAGARB had an informational booth and Leslie, IAGARBs President, presented workshops on Angora Management and Angora Shearing. Both workshops were well attended.

Leslie led a shearing class at SAFF.  She demonstrated the German Red Clipper and explained its advantages.

Leslie led a shearing class at SAFF. She demonstrated the German Red Clipper and explained its advantages.



First shear (copy 2)

IAGARB Members Lynn and Kim

IAGARB Members Lynn and Kim

And the fur flew!

And the fur flew!

Kim working with the Red Cippers

Kim working with the Red Clippers

Our beautiful Blizzard Yarn!

Our beautiful Blizzard Yarn!

A selection of Scribble Lace scarves showcased what can be done with our 50/50 pencil roving.

A selection of Scribble Lace scarves showcased what can be done with our 50/50 pencil roving.

Very Happy New Owner of a Scribble Lace Scarf.

Very Happy New Owner of a Scribble Lace Scarf.






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A Beautiful German Angora Doe

Michaele Bailey, owner of Basketful of Bunnies in Levant, shows off Alberta, one of the German Angora rabbits she raises for the production of fiber.

Michaele Bailey shows off her German Angora doe, Alberta for an article in her local newspaper. Alberta was recently IAGARB registered with a Gross Annual Weight (wool production) of 1972 grams. Well done Michaele!

For a look at the article featuring Michaele and Alberta you can click on this link.



Bangor Daily News photo by Ardena Hamlin, previously published in the Weekly

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This gallery contains 8 photos.

Photos of some of Friday’s Events:   Some photos of the first day of the 2013 AGM

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AGM 2013 Sneak Preview



IAGARB members at Niagara Falls, Canada on the first day of the AGM Events.

IAGARB members at Niagara Falls, Canada on the first day of the AGM Events.


Just a quick shot of some of us at Niagara Falls. This was our first day and we gathered for a trip to Niagara, wine tasting and lunch along Lake Ontario near St. Catharine’s and then a side trip to the Asian Market to pick up some yummy things for an impromptu dinner.

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AGM 2013 The Canadian Celebration

Welcome to Canada / Bienvenue au Canada!


Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada


We have an exciting schedule planned for you!


Our kick-off begins with a tour of one of the Seven Natural Wonders of North America – Niagara Falls. We will leave in the morning to view the spectacular falls and take pictures at this iconic location.


bouquet Italy spring '12 063

Next stop, Niagara Wineries – we have made arrangements at two of our favorite wineries. We will start at 13th Street for lunch and tastings. We have a arranged a special lunch including dessert of their regionally famous butter tarts.

We will then move on to Creekside to sample their award winning wines at a private tasting in their barrel cellar. Always a good time, they describe their approach as “Serious wine from an irreverent bunch.”

For more information you can explore their web sites.

Dinner by consensus.


Registration testing: 9:00 am – until finished.

10:00 am – Rabbit Anatomy Class / Cooking Class

Learn about the inner workings of your rabbits via a slide show presentation.

A light lunch of soup and salad will be offered.

Afterwards, prepared meat rabbit carcasses will be divided into two recipes: a Thai Curry by “Chef” Rosalie and Schnitzel by “Chef” Leslie. Recipes included. As an added bonus, we look forward to a Goat Cheese Making demonstration by Jane Killpack.

We will bring all of the locally sourced threads together for an early dinner of rabbit, wine and Ontario Monforte sheep, goat and cow cheese. Side dishes, a vegetarian option and dessert will be included.

And then a bit of work – Sated and sassy, we will review the updates to our 26 year old constitution.

Read more about the exquisite quality of Monforte cheeses:


We are absolutely thrilled to announce that knitting designer, teacher and famous author, Sally Melville will be our workshop leader. In the continuing spirit of a Canadian Celebration, Sally hails from Ottawa, Ontario.


Sally has written and / or co-authored:

  • Warm Knits, Cool Gifts, 2010
  • Mother Daughter Knits, 2009
  • The Knitting Experience Book 3, Color, 2005
  • The Knitting Experience Book 2, The Purl Stitch, 2003
  • The Knitting Experience Book 1, The Knit Stitch, 2002
  • Sally Melville Styles, 1998

and the latest, available March 26, 2013:

Knitting Pattern Essentials: Adapting and Drafting Knitting Patterns for Great Knitwearby Sally Melville(Mar 26, 2013)

Our event will be held 20 minutes outside Brantford, Ontario at the Onondaga Community Centre. Overlooking the Grand River, this is a charming old brick church / community centre with a kitchen. When you register, directions will be sent to you. GPS is not always accurate in this area.

Class Schedule:

9:00 am Coffee, tea and cookies

9:30 am – 12:30 pm:


No matter how advanced and accomplished we are, there are habits or holes in our knitting repertoire. Perhaps we rely upon the same cast-on, the same increase, the same decrease; perhaps we are confounded by selvedge stitches; perhaps we knit without the awareness that we havechoices.

This workshop explores and explains the many techniqueswe should all have in our repertoire. We’ll talk about whichare best suited to each situation and why, and we’ll practice them all with lots of hands-on experience.

SKILL LEVELbeginner intermediate and beyond. (Very experienced knitters get a lot from this class, and so do newer knitters.)
SET-UPclassroom, flip chart and markers
SUPPLIES TO BRINGyarn, knitting needles, crochet hook


12:30 pm to 1:30 pm:

Lunch, Cheese Tasting, and Shopping.

  • Please bring your own lunch. Coffee, tea and water will be provided. There are no close restaurants.
  • Cheese Tasting – we will have a selection of fantastic Monforte Sheep, Goat and Cow cheese for you to try and buy. There will be no tasting charge for people who have registered for classes.
  • Shopping – Angora fibre and Angora Yarns will be available for purchase. Sample of pieces made from our Co-op yarns will be on display.

1:30 pm to 4:30 pm


A knitter who spends the time and energy to make her own clothes should be rewarded with a result that makes her happy and proud. It should fit, it should flatter, and there should be no mystery as to how this happened. But sadly, and too often, this is not the result. Why? Because the knitter chooses the wrong pattern OR chooses the right pattern but follows the directions without questioning them OR makes the right garment but wears it with the wrong thing.

There are a few simple rules to follow for successful knitting: start with styles that flatter, knit with appropriate decisions for a personalized fit, and then wear it with something that makes it look wonderful! This workshop covers all these decisions and puts the power for successful results intoyourcompetent hands. Yay!

SETUPclassroom; table for projector, screen, extension cord; flip chart and markers.
HOMEWORKIt is essential that this exercise be completed. You will be disappointed if you don’t do this! And please read this carefully, including the NOTE at the bottom.

1.Dress in something close fitting. (We need to see your real silhouette. You may wear only lingerie, or you may add a bodysuit, a leotard, or tights. But do wear supportive lingerie.)

2.Standing straight, with arms slightly away from your sideand feettogether, have someone take a straight-on, full body (head-to-toe) photo of you. (Have the photo fill the screen as much as possible.)

3.Print the photoonto plain paper (enlarging it to 8-10″ tall).

4.Trace youroutline onlywith a heavy black pen: we don’t need your photo anymore, only your outline. Bring your outline to class.

SUPPLIES TO BRINGa couple of pages in at least 2 colors of light-weight (20lb or lighter but NOT tracing paper), light-colored paper (that you can trace your outline through); scissors; measuring tape; pencil; eraser


NOTE TO PARTICIPANTSCommon homework and supplies errors are the following: arms too far from sides, feet not together, head not included, paper too heavy or too light (tracing paper does not work), photo brought instead of just silhouette, silhouette not outlined or not outlined heavily enough.

IAGARB Members’ Dinner

7:00pm – ?

This is the dinner we have all been waiting for! Nova Scotia Lobster, drippy herbed lemon butter, PEI potatoes, salad with maple vinaigrette, blueberry pie. Great conversation late into the night! (an alternative to lobster can be provided)

As usual, we will all chip in equally. Members who wish to enjoy this dinner will be emailed privately as to the current market price. Cost for this dinner is not included in the Members 4-Day Package.



9:30 am – 10:30-ish am

We will begin our day with inspiration from Sally Melville’s talk “Why We Do What We Do.”

WHY DO WE DO WHAT WE DO: the importance of working with our hands

This presentationspeaks to what knitting (or other hand work) offers’”-from alleviating boredom,to engaging in the creative process, to teaching skills that help us through all aspects of life.Participants will see examplesof knitting (although this talk applies to all hand work) while thinking about this work through lenses as diverse as quantum physics, psychology, and global economics.

A light brunch will follow.

Immediately afterwards, the doors will close for our IAGARB AGM Business Meeting and Awards Presentation.


The DaysInn is located off the Wayne Gretsky Parkway exit of the Highway 403. It sits kind of backwards between the Lynden Park Mall and Zehrs Plaza.

The rates are normally 94.00 to 129.00 + taxes. We have reserved our block at $72.00 (83.52 taxes in) per night.

This hotel is pet friendly. The normal pet fee is 15.00 per night. This fee has been waived as long as the animals remain in their carriers with a tarp underneath.

Breakfast is included – standard waffle, bagel, cereal, hard-boiled eggs, juice, coffee and tea sort of thing. If you require something more, Williams Coffee next door can provide that. There is also a Goodness Me (mini Whole Foods) directly across the street.
DaysInn has a large lounge area open for after hours sittin’ and knittin’.

The rooms have been blocked under the name IAGARB. When you make your reservations, give them the name IAGARB for your special rate. The rooms will be held for us until March 27.



Payment is through Paypal, but you don’t need to have a Paypal Account to use the shopping cart. Credit and Debit Cards are accepted through Paypal.

Please read through all the package options before selecting.



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AGM 2013: Sally Melville Workshops

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Judging Underway for a German Angora


Joyce Shearing While Others Look On

Scribble Lace Scarf Workshop in Progress on a Warm December Day


Rosalie, working hard!
Rosalie, working hard!



Finished Scarves!

Can Anyone Guess Whose Foot This Is?

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October 27-29, 2012
What a Great Weekend for IAGARB! Simultaneous Angora Events celebrated German Angora Rabbits and Fiber.
On the East Coast at SAFF, in the Midwest at Ann Arbor, and on the West Coast in Silverton, Oregon, IAGARB members, guests and the public all shared in the Angora Experience.


Southern Animal Fiber Fair, Asheville, North Carolina

Sally Campbell, Erin Maclean and Leslie Samson set up a successful display of angora goods and information. Sally brought her gorgeous rabbits. Erin fielded questions from the public and Leslie demonstrated shearing.

Sally C. and Galina K. at SAFF

Admiring German Angora Finished Goods At SAFF

At the Ann Arbor Fiber Expo in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Susan Wiley exhibited her German Angora products and IAGARB information.
Photos to come!
West Coast Regional IAGARB Registration and Workshops, Silverton, Oregon
IAGARB President, Gail Smith, went all out to sponsor an exciting weekend of Rabbit Judging, a Color Genetics Workshop by Candy Haenszel, plus food, fun and great camaraderie. Vice President Sheri Cormier flew out from Maine and was joined by Alexis W., Rosalie T., Margie B., Ali T., Carrie C., Sage, Molly, Kyle, Vickie, Katie M., Carrie A., and Diana C., along with others. 20 angora rabbits were tested and 14 registered.
In addition, Candy Haenszelwas a featured speaker and conducted an Angora Color Workshop.
Candy Haenszel’s Color Workshop

Shearing, Testing, Registering and Hanging Out

Sage Modeling Carrie Allen's Beautiful Angora Scarf

Sage Modeling Carrie Allen’s Beautiful Angora Scarf


Another Important Part of an IAGARB Shearing and Registration Party!

Another Fine Weekend in Silverton!
©2012 R. Truong

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Great Work Everyone!

Great work, Everyone!! This is what 155 pounds of angora looks like. We have 3 runs on order – The Blizzard Yarn, our Frost Yarn and the Chunky Bunny Pencil Roving. By doing them all back to back, we should end up with even more consistent product quality!

Kudos on the grading! The Prime German Angora is GLORIOUS!!

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IAGARB Celebrating 25 Years!

This gallery contains 24 photos.

  No, the IAGARB Annual General Meeting was not in Venice. But here is one of our members relaxing in Italy just a few days after the AGM. Lucky girl!The rest of us are more likely here in the States … Continue reading

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